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Trayvon Martin: Parents Reject Zimmerman's Request for Private Meeting
Zimmerman is used to being able to weasel out of trouble. This fool has faced domestic violence charges and a felony charge for assaulting A POLICE OFFICER! I'm related to all kinds of politicians. I've seen folks in my family talk their way out of traffic tickets by making a call or passing a police officer their auntie/uncle/cousin's business card. I've seen one of my cousins have a DUI magically transform into "driving without a seat-belt" violation.
But never in my life have I ever heard of someone assaulting a police officer and having that charge knocked down to a misdemeanor...and that's despite living in Louisiana--the US state best known for its corrupt criminal justice system. Do you know how much PULL your daddy would need to have in order for you to be able to assault a police officer and, not only live to talk to talk about it, but actually walk away with nothing more than a misdemeanor?
So, maybe I shouldn't be surprised that Zimmerman thinks he can change the way things are going for him by being able to have a talk with this murdered child's family. However, even knowing all of that, I still felt flabbergasted when I saw this article. Let me tell y'all something. If I killed some one's child, even if it was a completely unavoidable accident, I would be scared out of my mind to be in the same room as that child's family. I know that if *I* was Trayvon's parents, I'd meet with him, because there aren't enough guards in the world to be able to keep my hands from wrapping around his throat until ONE of us met our maker that day.
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