6 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Don't Count Preschool Out Just Yet

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So, the author of this article, "The Early Education Racket" makes some pretty sweeping claims that I find a bit dubious. Moyer makes the claim that those kids who belong to families that can afford preschool probably don't need it. I'm also skeptical because it doesn't seem very well thought out. For example, there are several ways to define need that Moyer never seems to consider.

My kid's preschool was as expensive as the university that I was attending. However, if I had it to do all over again, I'd do the exact same thing. She still remembers it as a really wonderful and nurturing experience. It wasn't until I talked to her preschool instructors that I learned that she had a real talent for art. Since she was my only child, I had nothing to compare it to, so I was simply unaware of her knack for it.

Preschool can help parents to identify their child's strengths, weaknesses, and gifts at a really young age and that can give them a clue as to what sort of activities, supplies, and experiences that child would most enjoy. At preschool, she was able to work with instructors who had art experience. I had none. Even if I was really, really diligent, I still wouldn't have been able to teach her the skills that she learned there. If your child is really into something that you know how to do, then I can imagine that preschool might not make much of a difference. However, if your kid is into something that leaves you scratching your head to understand, really talented preschool instructors can be a lifesaver.

Here's a few examples of her work. If you're wondering about that weirdness in the bottom right corner of her last picture, I can explain. She's still a minor. That means we don't allow her to use her real name online. We had to blot it out of the last picture so that I could share it here.
"Deep Sea Mermaid" done in Micron Pen
"Veggies" done in PrismaColor

"Star Fucker" done in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 6
"The Black Vault Encyclopedia Project proposes a Close Encounter of the Seventh Kind as mating between a human being and extraterrestrial that produces a human-alien hybridisation, usually called a Star Child. This concept is similar to ideas promoted by ancient astronauts theorists like Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin and Robert K. G. Temple, in that extraterrestrials interacted with, perhaps interbred with and influenced ancient human beings in the past."

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